Composting Worms for Hawaii
Worm Composting
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What is worm compost?  How about Vermicompost?

Worm composting is Vermicomposting--using composting worms to do all the work for you.  Isn't that great?  Worms are such willing and hard workers. 

Want to impress your friends with a bit of worm trivia?  Here's some:  The term "vermicomposting" comes from the Latin "vermis" meaning worm and refers to that "controlled degradation of organic matter, primarily by worm ingestion."  

In easy to understand language:  "verm" is worm in Latin (even sounds like it, huh?).  Vermicomposting is the process of worms eating your garbage and kitchen scraps and turning it into wonderful, nutrient-rich, organic compost for your home and garden.  You can use the finished compost on inside plants, outside plants, vegetable gardens, fruit trees, grass, lawns, ornamentals-any plant you'd like to make strong and healthy.  Vermiculture is the raising of worms in a controlled environment or more simply, worm farming. 
Picture this:  Reaching into your fridge, you find a plastic bag of slimy brown ooze tucked behind the pickle jar.  Of course, you weren't planning to clean the fridge, you simply wanted a pickle.  Studying the contents of the bag, you realize it was the organic lettuce you purchased at the farmer's market three weeks ago, intent on eating more veggies. 
Whoops!   Original intentions aside, what do you do with the oozy bag of slimy lettuce?  Do you throw it into the rubbish?  Put it down the garbage disposal?  Nope!  You take that stinky bag and pour the contents, lump, chunk, and goo, into your worm bin.  The worms will eat it and turn it into beautiful, rich compost over time.  That's worm composting! 

Worms are easy.  They are self-regulating and will modify their population to the size of their bin and the amount you feed them.  You don't need to feed worms every day--so go ahead and take off for the weekend (you won't need a worm-sitter).  Worms don't make any noise and their "output" is a valuable thing--making them ideal pets!  And, as it turns out, both kids and adults love worms.

What worms need:  Damp, Dark and Dinner.  Worms need a damp environment or they will dry out.  The Worm Bin helps to keep them moist.  Keep it out of direct sun and water extremes.  Worms do not sun tan or swim.  Your small wiggly friends like it dark, a self protection thing.  Last, but not least, worms like to eat.  When you purchase a Worm Bin, you will receive a full set of operating instructions including a Worm Menu. 

Worms in Hawaii.  The two most popular species for vermicomposting in Hawaii are Perionyx excavatus (India Blues) and Amynthas gracilis (Alabama or Georgia Jumper).  Both species are available from Hawaii Rainbow Worms. Call or email us for information.
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Perionyx excavatus
(India Blue Worm)

Amynthas gracilis
(Alabama or Georgia Jumper)

Published in 2005 by Cooperative Extension Service College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawaii at Manoa

Published in 2005 by Cooperative Extension Service College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources University of Hawaii at Manoa
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